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What is the best light for jewellery photography at home

I love photographing jewellery with natural light. I don't think anything can ever beat the warm direct sunlight gently diffused with a transparent material when photographing jewellery at home.

Jewellery, iPhone Jewellery Photography, iPhone, Jewellery Photography, How To Photograph Jewellery Using an iPhone, Smartphone Jewellery Photography, Jewellery Photography Aesthetic, Jewellery Photography Course, Jewelry Photography Course, Photographing Jewellery At Home, How To Photograph Jewellery At Home With iPhone, Jewelry Photography, Photographing Jewelry At Home, Smartphone Jewellery Photography Bootcamp, Learn To Photograph Jewellery At Home Using An Iphone

However, natural light jewellery photography has a few drawbacks:

  • Jewellery photography in direct light is HOT and you can only do it for so long

  • Photographing jewellery in natural light is inconsistent. Clouds come up and light moves depending on the time of the day, meaning there's a lot you need to adapt to.

  • you can only dream about direct sunlight if you live in a rainy country like the UK.

That's why I HAD to invest in a continuous light that I use when working on darker days. There are many options out there, however, Godox is a brand I trust at all times (as much as I wish this was a sponsored post, it's not).

GodoxFV200 has been by my side for a very long time and it's a great alternative for natural light if you feel like you're getting tired of chasing it. One light matched with a couple of foam boards can do magical things, so make sure to invest in it (or something similar) whenever you're ready to level up your jewellery photography game.

And if you feel like you really ARE ready to make more sales and can invest your time into learning how to do that, go check out my Smartphone Jewellery Photography course. Here I teach everything I know about jewellery photography using simple natural light and an iPhone.


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